Monday, October 23, 2006

Kale-a-kopita & the Main Library

It is great to be home again, cooking Binge Cafe specials. Today I made Kale-a-kopita, which is like spanikopita, but with Kale, as you might guess, instead of Spinach. Usually I use some minced olives in place of feta, but this time I just crumbled some tofu and marinated it in oregano, soy sauce, and vinegar.

Also, rather than just layers, I rolled the mix up spring-roll style, ala the method of my Thea Katie in Greece. Eventually I'll use the large roller pictured with Syba for effect. These thin, tall rollers are used to roll out the infamous filo dough used in Greece.

My aunt taught me how to make this from scratch, but this time I was lazy and bought spring roll wrappers from the Asian Market on University.

Also pictured is our new cast-iron pan. I bought it after hearing about how the non-stick teflon pans cause death. Or things leading to death. In any case, we could all use a little iron. These are supposed to be the best--lasting forever--(which may be only 30 more years for me if I die early due to excessive use of teflon pans) and are non-stick as well. They are quite heavy as the name suggests, so good for weight-bearing exercise while washing, but not so good if you are weak-wristed.

Speaking of large rollers, please take note of upcoming discussions on the location of the main library branch in downtown Durham and developers desire to move our library out of the East side. Binge Cafe's good friend Endangered Durham has written extensively on the topic. Please visit him.

PS - Troika was fabulous! Below is a picture of some of the audience at Ringside during Veronique Diabolique's set. Each venue I went to was packed thus...thanks everyone for coming and to the tireless Troika volunteers.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


We had a wonderful time in Greece performing at the An Club with Film, as well as the Small Music Theater in Athens with AntiStres.

Greek audiences have to be the warmest I've yet encountered, apart from audiences made up of my mom. Thank you again to Antistress (see pic of us all) & Film (live below).

Check out the amazing lineup for Troika. I don't know about you's, but we're going to be bouncing around downtown Durham like a couple 'a pinballs from Wednesday clear till Saturday. We're looking forward to performing on Friday with many great bands and will be playing a short acoustic set on WCHL 1360, Wednesday morning.

Below, a picture by the infamous author of Grapevine...what can be cuter than a kid, a kitten, and Syba?