I am finding this to be true since our license plates were taken about a month ago. What? License plates taken? Are we criminals? It certainly felt like it. Long story into a short biscuit: When we went on tour, to save money (~$25) we called up our insurance company and halted the insurance on Tercel - but kept it for the van which was used during the US leg of the tour. Upon return to the US, we started our insurance back up immediately. However, about six months later, we learned that this gap is a crime of sorts in North Carolina, despite proof of insurance, punishable in a few different ways, which I'm calling the 3 P's for the sake of liking that this can all be summed up with one letter:
- Public humiliation: The officer looks at your car with disgust as she's writing the ticket, dramatically pausing to note the duck tape keeping the mirror attached to the door (OK, not quite humiliation, I'll admit...we'd have to care about car appearances for that).
- Prejudice: The officer may or may not have interpreted stickers such as "deep fried vegan" to mean "animal rights terrorist." I'm sure the old BB sticker with Scott and I pretending to eat Rob's head didn't help either.
- Purgatory: 30 days of holding your plates, unless of course the officer does not file the case, in which case you (Rob) show up to court on the specified date, and wait five hours to learn that another date a month later will be set up (and still no plates).
If Tercel weren't naked (that's kinda how it looks with her identity missing) I'm sure that in this case, and others like it, we would have made an exception and driven instead. As depicted, this usually is not necessary. Biking can often be faster and way less of a hassle than driving.
In celebration of all things bike, Rob and I walked Syba (without the lid, see below) to the grand opening of the Bike Co-op today located in the newly established awesome Bull City Headquarters which isn't too far from home indeed. Check them both out when you get a chance, or better yet, before you get a chance.
Another great thing about biking is hunger seems to increase due to all that great calorie burning. I had a craving for corn dogs, ala the kind Dad used to buy for my brother and I at Sears on "Dad Day" Sundays. So, yesterday I borrowed a great cornbread recipe from the wonderful Vegan Lunchbox, and made some vegan corn dogs. Since I don't have a Twinkie baker, I just poured the mixture into a rectangle pan, then placed 1/2 inch thick slices of Field Roast's delicious "Chipotle Sausage" product about 3/4 inch apart. Then I poured the rest of the mixture on top, baked, then cut the bread into little squares.
I want to see a picture of the corndog!
Good job in making a frustrating situation a positive one. I have found the NC DOT laws unsavory and a pain. Those corndogs do sound pretty good, mmm comfort food.
where do you find a twinkie baker?
jay-ro - I was not forward-thinking enough to capture the little cute squares, but I'll be making them again for sure and will add it.
Ms. Sequoya...thank you, yes I think my hips will thank the DOT for this.
Coco, thank you for asking. Here is a link to the Twinkie kit complete with twinkies - making me hungry:
oops it got cut off, but here is how the last part should read:
Great! Lets go biking together some time!
Veganism and biking - yay! Great minds think alike.
I agree about how evil it is to have access to a car. My girlfriend has a car and I use it more than I like. Still get WAYYYY more mileage on two wheels than I do on four however.
Good for people to know.
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